Angel EFT to Reclaim Your Power

Angel EFT for reclaiming your power. Sometimes we are giving our power away in various areas of our life. Learn to see where this is happening and how to take it back.

Read the blog here

Book an Angel EFT session with me at - find out more about coaching at

'Angel EFT, tap into the Angelic Realms with Modern Energy EFT,' by Susan Browne is now available on Amazon, click on

If you participate in this video you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your own wellbeing. I do not aim to replace the advice of your doctor and I do not make any claims of cure or benefit from my videos, even though it is my intention that they will benefit. Every person is unique. If you have any doubts as to the suitability of this video for you, check it out with your healthcare provider first.

I run workshops, training events and seminars internationally, and I do success mentoring with clients around the world. Have a look at the events page at to see what is coming up. Details of my 1:1 work can be found at

Thanks for watching!
In love and light,

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